In February, I wrote about a work-life philosophy that changed my life: “If it’s not a ‘hell yeah,’ it’s a ‘no.’” The idea sounds simple, but with honest self-examination you realize it affects every part of your life.
WHY do some people reach their creative potential in business while other equally talented peers don’t?
After three decades of painstaking research, the Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck believes that the answer to the puzzle lies in how people think about intelligence and talent. Those who believe they were born with all the smarts and gifts they’re ever going to have approach life with what she calls a “fixed mind-set.” Those who believe that their own abilities can expand over time, however, live with a “growth mind-set.”
You’re really asking for it when you name your book “Snooze” or “Why We Sleep.” A reviewer is tempted to dismiss the former by saying that it lives up to its title and the latter by replying, “Because of doorstop tomes like yours, pal!” Fortunately, the respective authors of these books — Michael McGirr and Matthew Walker — turn out to be good company: congenial, often funny narrators, each of whom, in his own way, offers a thoughtful tour through the still dimly understood state of being asleep.
Water is pretty boring, as far as beverages go. It doesn’t have a catchy jingle, a secret family recipe or even a taste, really. Yet people can’t seem to get enough of it.
“I get people in my office every day, every week, saying something like, ‘I’m concerned I’m not hydrated,’” said Lauren Antonucci, a nutritionist in New York City.
Most of us feel we’re so busy we don’t have time to start on our dream (or everyday) projects. Here’s how to find the time.You’re doing great and feeling on top of your work. You pretty much know what to get done, have a sense of momentum and aren’t avoiding projects.
Gwyneth Paltrow, Kendall Jenner and Emilia Clarke are some of the famous who use this roller millennial in your routine. What they have in common Gwyneth Paltrow, Kendall Jenner or Emilia Clarke: the “Gua Sha“. This roller millennial common in Asia has become part of the ritual of facial care, a tool that promises to properties such as brightness, to reduce congestion and smoothness in the skin.
Whatever the wolf is that disrupts your story, here are ways to emerge as the hero.
The Italians have a wonderful expression for how our lives get upended when we least expect it: “lupus in fabula.” It means “the wolf in the fairy tale.” Just when life is going swimmingly, along comes a demon, a dragon, a diagnosis, a downsizing. Just when our fairy tale seems poised to come true, a big, scary thing threatens to destroy everything around it.
Make this the year that you quiet all those negative thoughts swirling around your brain. All humans have a tendency to be a bit more like Eeyore than Tigger, to ruminate more on bad experiences than positive ones. It’s an evolutionary adaptation that helps us avoid danger and react quickly in a crisis.